Mr.BrownCan Moo! Can You? 该丛书其它绘本:

编号: 1316      平装
作者: Dr. Seuss
出版社: HarperCollins


    简洁的线条、夸张的造型,配合原创的动画形象及曲折、生动、紧凑的故事,使得画面和文字都呈现出一种张力和个性。与此同时,书中朗朗上口的诗化韵文也增强了其可读性。从简单的字母,到短语、句子,再到一个个故事,苏斯博士的图画书,亦是一套循序渐进掌握英语的优秀读物。本书运用富有韵律的语言描述布朗先生可以模仿很多的声音。 Review
    Oh, the wonderful thingsMr. Brown can do! In this "Book of Wonderful Noises," Mr. Brownstruts his stuff, as he imitates everything from popping corks tohorse feet ("pop pop pop pop" and "klopp klopp klopp,"respectively) while inviting everyone to join him in the fun. Youngreaders who are still learning their sounds and letters will get awacky workout as they follow along with the very serious-looking,squinty-eyed Mr. Brown. Whether it's eggs frying in a pan or ahippo chewing gum, the skillful Mr. Brown just keeps toppinghimself, with a "sizzle sizzle" or a "grum grum grum." "Mr. Brownis so smart he can even do this: he can even make a noise like agoldfish kiss!... pip!" As usual, the words and pictures of Dr.Seuss make reading (and making all sorts of funny noises)impossible to resist.?Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You??will stayfresh through many a giggling reading.?--Paul Hughes--This text refers to theHardcoveredition.



    看,这位昂首阔步走来的布朗先生,他真是太能干了,他戴着魔术师的高帽子,像变魔术一样变出各种好玩的声音。并且,如同苏斯博士书中的许多主角一样,他身上充满了莫名其妙的执着和热情。他不光自己忙个不停,还锲而不舍地一遍遍向你发出热情的邀请:“Howabout you?”?
    Moo moo! Hoo hoo! Cock-a-doodle-doo! Oh, the wonderful soundsMr. Brown can do. Now see if you can do them too! This fabulousbook is ideal for teaching young children all about noises! Thisdelightful book forms part of the second stage in HarperCollins'major Dr. Seuss rebrand programme. With the relaunch of 10 moretitles in August 2003, such all-time favourites as How the GrinchStole Christmas!, Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? and Dr. Seuss' SleepBook boast bright new covers that incorporate much needed guidanceon reading levels: Blue Back Books are for parents to share withyoung children, Green Back Books are for budding readers to tackleon their own, and Yellow Back Books are for older, more fluentreaders to enjoy. Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? belongs to the BlueBack Book range.



    Theodor Seuss Geisel -- better known to millions of his fans asDr. Seuss -- was born the son of a park superintendent inSpringfield, Massachusetts, in 1904. After studying at DartmouthCollege, New Hampshire, and later at Oxford University in England,he became a magazine humorist and cartoonist, and an advertisingman. He soon turned his many talents to writing children's books,and his first book -- And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street-- was published in 1937. His greatest claim to fame was the oneand only The Cat in the Hat, published in 1957, the first of ahugely successful range of early learning books.

